2024/09/07/ 12:14:39 / 最終更新日時 : 2024/09/07/ 12:14:39 fujii Youtube-shorts Carokowanz-English -✈️ 🚌 IN vs ON with transportation 🚗 In the car, or on the car? Dora. Cora. Use in for vehicles. where you sit inside You can not stand up, walk ar […]
2024/06/09/ 10:05:39 / 最終更新日時 : 2024/06/09/ 10:05:39 fujii Youtube-shorts mochanTV -【明日の予定】ペラペラ英語が喋れる!(アニメ版) mochanTV -【明日の予定】ペラペラ英語が喋れる!(アニメ版) Hey, Emma, what are you doing tomorrow? I don’t have any plans yet. Why? I’ […]