dailyenglish911 - Informal vs formal English learning

Caro Kowanz English -🏣 Post office English conversation

I’m here to pick up a package.
Do you have the notice?
The tracking number.
Ah! It’s still with the driver.
But it says there that I can pick it up right now.
It happens sometimes.
What can I do?
Come back tomorrow between 9 and 12.
I’m at work at that time.
Then fill out this redelivery form, and they will try to deliver from 9 to 12.
I’m not home from 9 to 12. I work.
Well, those are the hours we have for delivery.
Is there anything else I can do?
You can have it sent to a neighbor.
I don’t trust my neighbors.
If you can’t pit it up, it will be sent back to the sender.
Sent back?
Yeah. It happens to a lot of people. Not much we can do. Okay?
Okay. Thank you.

pick up /pɪk ʌp/ 受け取る
package /ˈpækɪʤ/ 荷物、パッケージ
notice /ˈnoʊtɪs/ 通知、通知書
tracking number /ˈtrækɪŋ ˈnʌmbər/ 追跡番号
driver /ˈdraɪvər/ 配達員、運転手
happens sometimes /ˈhæpənz ˈsʌmˌtaɪmz/ 時々起こる
come back /kʌm bæk/ 戻ってくる
redelivery form /riːˈdɪlɪvəri fɔrm/ 再配達依頼書
deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ 配達する
sent to a neighbor /sɛnt tu ə ˈneɪbər/ 隣人に送る
trust /trʌst/ 信頼する
sent back /sɛnt bæk/ 送り返される
sender /ˈsɛndər/ 送信者、発送者
not much we can do /nɑːt mʌʧ wiː kæn duː/ 私たちにできることはあまりない


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