英会話 feel English 24/9/11(水) L65 I’d rather -.
英会話 feel English 24/9/12(木) L66 part of –
今回の part の使い方は案外中級レベルです。
Feel English! 1
「グループの一員になる」 と言いたいときの a part of …
Dialogue -1
Thelma and Shawn chat over lunch.
(Thelma and Shawn chat during their lunch hour.)
feel like
embarrass oneself
I finally talked to Maya about the karaoke battle.
Ooh! What did she say?
She wants to feel like a part of the team.
She wants to feel like a part of the team.
-Feel English!2
「そんな自分もいる」 と言うときの part of me
Dialogue -2
Emily shows Paul the latest art piece by the artist on exhibition.
(Emily shows Paul some of the artist’s work that is currently on display.)
odd 変な、 奇妙な
controversial 物議をかもす
acquired taste (何度も体験することで) 次第に好きになるもの
something that people only begin to like after they have tried it a few times
something that you dislike at first, but that you start to like after you have tried it a few times
baffling 不可解な、説明できない
if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all
impossible for someone to understand or explain
be into -,
look away 目をそらす
Me neither.