英会話 feel English 23/5/24 L27 I guess.

英会話 feel English 23/5/24 L27 I guess.

I think と I guess は意味が似ていますが、ネイティブはどう使い分けているのでしょう?
(I think and I guess have similar meanings, how do native speakers distinguish between them?)

-Phrase Rank No.56
1). 「〜かなぁ」 とあいまいに言うときの I guess
It’s lunchtime at the office.
テルマとショーンはお昼休憩中。 テルマはなんとなく元気がありません。
(Thelma and Shawn are on their lunch break. Thelma is somehow not feeling well.)

You guess?
What’s wrong?
family dog 実家の犬

How are you, Thelma?
Okay, I guess.

Thelma, do you want to watch a movie?
Hmm. I’m pretty tired. I guess I’ll just go to bed.
Mmm, OK.

2). 根拠を持って推測するときの I guess
Emily and Olivia are carpooling to a barbecue with a bunch of friends. But one of them isn’t here yet
Dialogue ②
(Emily and Olivia are going to a barbeque with a group of friends, but Sarah still hasn’t shown up.)
