英会話 feel English 23/5/31 L31 you see

英会話 feel English 23/5/31 L31 you see
you see は 「あなたは見える」いったい何が見えるんでしょうか・・・。

1).「ほらね」 と軽く注意を引きたいときの you see
-Thelma and Emily are waiting for Emily’s boyfriend, Scotte, who is always late.
(Thelma is waiting with Emily’s boyfriend Scott.
Scott is a habitual latecomer.)

any minute まもなく

Hello? Oh. You’re going to be late?
You see? I told you so!

You see? I told you so!
ほらね? 言ったとおりでしょ!

I can’t put on a tie.
You see. Do it like this.

2). 「いいですか」と自分の主張を述べたいときの you see
Emily and Olivia have just finished playing a round of chess. And Olivia isn’t very happy with the result.
エミリーとオリビアはチェスのゲームを終えたところ。 オリビアは不満そうです。
(Emily and Olivia have just finished a game of chess. Olivia looks unhappy.)

Oh, man!
