英会話 feel English 24/10/9(水) L77 You shouldn’t have -.

英会話 feel English 24/10/9(水) L77 You shouldn’t have -.
この助動詞のあとに来る have の感覚をつかもう。 You shouldn’t have …
-Feel English! 1
「余計なことをして!」と相手を責めたいときの You shouldn’t have …
Dialogue 1
Shawn treated Thelma to dinner at his favorite restaurant. Thelma wants to pay the tip.
(Thelma and Shawn have just finished eating at a restaurant recommended by Shawn.)

cover the tip
below 30

I tipped 30 percent last time.
What? Why?
I wanted to impress my date.
You shouldn’t have tipped so much. Now we can’t go below 30.

-Feel English!2
「え~悪いよ〜」と謙遜しながら感謝を伝えるときの You shouldn’t have.
Dialogue -2
Olivia and Paul are hanging out together at a bar.
(Olivia and Paul are chatting at the bar.)
