英会話 feel English 24/9/4(水) L62 cool with –

英会話 feel English 24/9/4(水) L62 cool with –
Cool. はよく聞きますね。もう少し詳しい使い方をチェック!
-Feel English! 1
相手の提案に 「それでいいよ」と答えるときの I’m cool with that.

Emily and Olivia are catching up with each other today.
(Emily and Olivia are at a cafe talking about what’s going on.)

spill (秘密などを) 漏らすばらす
Spill it. 白状しろよ。話してよ。
spill 水などをこぼす、秘密などを漏らす、バラす
Spill the tea. 最近知ってるゴシップなどを言って、噂話をして
so far
be cool with -, ~でよい[構わない・OKだ]
dying to – 死ぬほど・・・したい、・・・ したくてたまらない
, right?

I’m not ready for you all to meet him yet. Can we wait?
I’m cool with that.

I’m cool with that.

エミリーがオリビアに、ルイースを連れてギャラリーに来るように提案しますが、 オリビアは 「まだみんなに会わせる心の準備ができていない」と言います。 (Emily suggests to Olivia that she bring Louis to the gallery, but Olivia says she’s not ready for everyone to see him yet.)

I’m collecting 10 dollars each to get flowers for Hiroto. Is that okay?
Yeah, I’m cool with that.
I’m cool with that.

-Feel English! 2
「うまくやってる」と言いたいときの cool with …
Dialogue -2
(Emily is planning a road trip with her mother coming up next month.)

take a trip
look forward to –
No way.
huge fight
