英会話 feel English 24/9/5(木) L63 nothing wrong

英会話 feel English 24/9/5(木) L63 nothing wrong
-Feel English! 1
「〜は悪いことじゃないよ」と寄り添う。There’s nothing wrong with …

-Dialogue -1
Thelma and Maya are working, but Thelma can’t focus. She has to ask Maya.
テルマとマヤは職場で黙って作業をしていましたが、 我慢できなくなったテルマが切り出します。
(Thelma and Maya were working in silence at the office when Thelma, unable to stand it any longer, makes a move.)

be wondering
sign up (活動などに) 参加する
get closer to -, 〜と親しくなる
I don’t mind
humiliation 恥をかくこと [hjuːmìliéiʃən]
nothing wrong with -,

I don’t mind a little humiliation.
Right. There’s nothing wrong with that.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

I’m so embarrassed. Nobody liked my joke.
I’m proud of you. There’s nothing wrong with trying.

-Feel English!2「〜はいいんだけど」と前置きする. There’s nothing wrong with but…

-Dialogue -2
Emily and Olivia are at the cafe. Emily seems to have made a decision.
エミリーとオリビアはカフェにいます。 エミリーは何か決意したようです。
(Emily and Olivia are at the cafe. Emily seems to have made up her mind about something.)

ask – out
panicking , panicked

I’m going to ask that new barista out.
Okay. There’s nothing wrong with asking, but just keep it casual.
