基礎英語1 23/5/31 L38 ひとりで乗ったよ!

基礎英語1 23/5/31 L38 ひとりで乗ったよ!
It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have lots of fun.
And improve our English.
Let’s get started.

How was the last episode, everyone?
Moe was
Moe asked
She answered,

Now let’s start today’s lesson.

-Today’s Scene
みのりが、 フィオナの東京での生活についてたずねました。
(Fiona and Minori are talking in the hallway during school recess.
Minori asked about Fiona’s life in Tokyo.)
-First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.

took (take)
by myself

-Next find the answer to the question.
Second Listening
Q). フィオナがポートランドで日ごろ乗っているものは何ですか?
(What does Fiona usually ride in Portland?)

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember. Don’t look at your textbook.
