基礎英語1 23/5/9 L22 秋葉原へ行こう

基礎英語1 23/5/9 L22 秋葉原へ行こう
It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have lots of fun.
And improve our English.
Let’s get started.

How was the last episode, everyone?
She was
It was

Now let’s start today’s lesson;
Lesson 22 秋葉原へ行こう Let’s go to Akihabara.

-First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
Today’s Scene
朝の稽古が終わり、 相撲部屋の若い力士のしょうたがちゃんこ鍋を作っています。
(Morning practice is over, and Shota, a young sumo wrestler in the sumo stable, is making chanko nabe. Fiona and Ken are talking while helping them.)

two stops away 二つ隣の駅

-Next find the answer to the question.
Second Listening
Q). フィオナはいつ秋葉原に行こうと言っていますか? 日本語で答えましょう。
(When is Fiona saying to go to Akihabara? Answer in Japanese.)

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember. Don’t look at your textbook.
