基礎英語1 23/5/26 L35 review

基礎英語1 23/5/26 L35 review
Hi, guys -.  It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have a lot of fun.
And improve our English. Level 1.
Let’s get started.

It’s Friday.
Let’s review this week’s lessons.
OK. Are you ready?
L31- review
-Listen and Remember
First let’s listen to this week’s stories.
-Questions about the Story
(Pretend to be Fiona and answer the following questions in English.)
Q1 Did you play soccer in elementary school?
Q2 Did you go fishing last Saturday?

-Key Points of the Week -Mon.
I played soccer in elementary school.
Q1). わたしの妹は新しいカバンを欲しがっていました。

I went shopping last Saturday.
わたしはこの前の土曜日、 買い物に行きました。
Q2). わたしはけさ、5時に起きました。
