基礎英語2 23/6/5 L41 W1-D1 Basketball Team

基礎英語2 23/6/5 L41 W1-D1 Basketball Team
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

June Week 1 – Basketball Team
Weekly Goal 仲間をやる気にさせる Day 1
マネージャーの陽菜もいます。 そこへ、 レオがやってきました。
(Team members of the basketball club gather in the gymnasium.
There is also Hina, the manager. Then came Leo.)

-First Listen
Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
Q). もうすぐ何が始まるのでしょう?
(‘What’s coming soon?)

-Words & Phrases
look (so) down (かなり) 落ち込んでいるように見える
tournament トーナメント、選手権大会
worried 不安で
worry 心配する
prefecture (都道府県の) 県 (Saitama Prefecture 埼玉県)
really hard とても一生懸命に

-Second Listen
Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 Who is Kenta’s team playing against in the first game?
2 Why is Kenta worried about the game?

-Repeating Practice
Listen carefully and repeat.

Great job!

You’re sounding great!
-Chat Advice
Here are some tips for conversations.

Yeah, we’re really weak.
I know, I know. But if we have time to worry, we have time to practice!
