中高生の基礎英語 24/9/12(木)T12-D4 Do you like to arrive at school early?早めに登校したいですか?
中高生の基礎英語 24/9/12(木)T12-D4 Do you like to arrive at school early?早めに登校したいですか?
-Chat with the Guest
Q1. According to Praise, do people in South Africa wear traditional clothes ?
Q2. When did Praise come to Japan?
Q3. What does Praise like to do in her free time in Japan?
-Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. How did arriving at school early help Praise start her day?
Q2. When Praise arrived at school early, what did she also have a chance to do?
Q3. What else could Praise do during the quiet time before school started?
-Sandy’s Thoughts
Q1. When Sandy was in high school, how often did she have to go to school early?
Q2. What was it like outside when Sandy caught the 6:15 a.m. bus?
Q3. Why was it especially difficult for Sandy to wake up early in the winter?
to give your attention to something; focus
modern and of the present time
go over
to examine, discuss, or think about something carefully
ten degrees Celsius
= 10°C
-Chat with the Guest
Topic 12: Do you like to arrive at school early? Day 4.
Before we talk about this week’s topic, let’s have a chat.
Praise, last time, you told us about designing your own clothes for a festival in high school. What kind of clothes did you wear when you were in high school?
In high school, I wore a uniform. But on special days like school events or Casual Friday, we wear(→wore) our own clothes.
Casual Friday?
Yeah. So, on Casual Friday, we get(→got) to dress up in our regular clothes. We all love(d) it because we get(→got) tired of wearing our uniform. So, we get(→got) to express ourselves by dressing up. So, it’s(→it was) more like a fashion show. Especially the girls will(→would) love it, and we’re(→we were) looking at who has(→had) the best dress, who has(→had) the nicest clothes, and who is(→was) very stylish. And it’s(→it was) really, really fun, but in class, we don’t(→ didn’t) really get so much work done. And it’s(→it was) hard for the students to concentrate because we are(→were) focusing on our look, so we couldn’t get so much work done, and the school ends(→ended) really early.
Interesting. And do people in South Africa also wear traditional clothes?
Yes. People in South Africa wear traditional clothes, but during special occasions, like wedding(s), event(s), or cultural events, just like Japan. The fashion includes beads works, different clothing patterns, colors, fabric, head scarf, and accessories.
Yeah. Like, different beads pattern works. Sometimes it’s like a layer of beads, and it looks like a T-shirt, like a crop T-shirt, and there’re some which are just on the neck like a long necklace.
And there’s also some bead works(→ beadwork) on the head like a hat but made by(→of) beads.
That sounds really colorful.
Yeah, it is. And there’re different types of traditional clothes. For example, the Khoisan – they have a gray and black color, and the patterns is(→are) quite different from the Zulu. Like, the Zulu has different colors and different patterns. It’s more colorful. So, just by the colors, you can tell, “This is Xhosa,” and “This is Zulu.” So, our different colors and pattern(s) and beadwork shows the different cultures in South Africa.
So, Praise, when did you come to Japan?
Um. Two and a half years ago.
What do you like to do in your free time here?
In my free time, I love dancing. I do jazz and contemporary dancing. And I also play the drums. I’m part of a band. And I also love going to the onsen.
Oh, me too.
It’s so, so relaxing and amazing. And I also love going to the (→out in) nature. I do this on(→in) my free time.
Wow. You sound like you’re very busy doing many different things.
I love being busy.
-Guest’s Thoughts
Now, let’s move on to Praise’s and Sandy’s thoughts. So, Praise, please tell us, when you were in high school, did you like to arrive at school early?
When I was in high school, I liked to arrive early for