ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/9(水)関連記事-米FRBが大幅利下げ

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/9(水)関連記事-米FRBが大幅利下げ

US Federal Reserve cuts interest rates

Thursday, Sept. 19, 5:34
9月19日(木) 5:34
The US Federal Reserve has decided to cut interest rates by half a percentage point. It is the first such cut since the early days of the pandemic four and a half years ago.
米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB) は、金利を半ポイント引き下げることを決定した。このような利下げ は、4年半前のパンデミック初期以来初めてである。

The decision was announced on Wednesday at the Fed’s regular policy meeting.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell said, “The economy is strong and patience has paid off.”
パウエルFRB議長 「経済は好調で、忍耐が実を結んだ」と述べた。

Policymakers had been keeping the interest rate above 5 percent for more than a year to battle inflation, as consumers struggle with rising costs. The approach managed to cool prices, which led to the decision to lower the benchmark rate.
政策決定者たち は、消費者が物価上昇に苦しむ中、インフレと戦うために1年以上金利を5%以上に維持してきた。このアプローチが物価を冷やし、今回の基準金利引き下げにつながった。

At a news conference following the meeting, Powell said, “This decision reflects our growing confidence that, with an appropriate recalibration of our policy stance, strength in the labor market can be maintained in a context of moderate growth and inflation moving sustainably down to 2 percent.”
会合後の記者会見でパウエル総裁 は、「今回の決定 は、政策スタンスを適切に調整すれば、緩やかな成長とインフレ率が持続的に2%まで低下する中で、労働市場の力強さを維持できるという確信が高まっていることを反映している」と述べた。

He added, “At the same time, reducing restraint too slowly could unduly weaken economic activity and employment.”

The US unemployment rate has edged up, and high mortgage rates discourage people from buying homes.

So the Fed decided to move aggressively in the belief that lower borrowing costs will encourage investment and protect against a slowdown.
そこでFRB は、借入コストの引き下げが投資を促し、景気減速を防ぐと考え、積極的に動くことにした。

Powell said, however, that policymakers have not accomplished their “mission.” They project they will cut the rate by another half a percentage point by the end of the year.
しかしパウエル議長 は、政策立案者の「使命」は達成されていないと述べた。FRBは年内に金利をさらに半ポイント引き下げると予測している。

Word/Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
US Federal Reserve /juː ɛs ˈfɛdərəl rɪˈzɜːv/ The central banking system of the United States.
interest rates /ˈɪntrəst reɪts/ The percentage charged or paid for the use of money, typically set by the central bank for loans.
percentage point /pərˈsɛntɪdʒ pɔɪnt/ A unit equal to one percent, used to describe changes in interest rates or other percentages.
pandemic /pænˈdɛmɪk/ A global outbreak of a disease, such as COVID-19.
policymakers /ˈpɒlɪˌmeɪkəz/ Officials or individuals responsible for making decisions about public policies, such as central bank rates.
inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, reducing purchasing power.
benchmark rate /ˈbɛnʧmɑrk reɪt/ The standard interest rate set by a central bank to influence the economy, often used as a reference point.
recalibration /riːˌkæləˈbreɪʃən/ The process of adjusting or modifying a system, policy, or plan to achieve better results.
labor market /ˈleɪbər ˈmɑːrkɪt/ The supply and demand for workers, reflecting employment conditions in an economy.
inflation moving sustainably /ɪnˈfleɪʃən muːvɪŋ səˈsteɪnəbli/ The goal of keeping inflation at a manageable, steady level without sharp fluctuations.
economic activity /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ækˈtɪvɪti/ The actions related to producing, buying, and selling goods and services in an economy.
mortgage rates /ˈmɔːgɪʤ reɪts/ Interest rates charged on loans taken to purchase property, typically houses.
borrowing costs /ˈbɒroʊɪŋ kɒsts/ The expense incurred by taking out loans, influenced by the interest rates set by financial institutions.
aggressive /əˈgrɛsɪv/ Describing a forceful or bold approach, such as in monetary policy decisions to quickly influence the economy.
investment /ɪnˈvɛstmənt/ The action of allocating resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating profit or growth.
slowdown /ˈsloʊˌdaʊn/ A reduction in economic activity or growth.
