ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/9/11(水)“高校生平和大使” 長崎で帰国報告
ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/9/11(水) “高校生平和大使” 長崎で帰国報告
MC:トラウデン直美 解説:竹下隆一郎
This is Tom Kain. It’s great to have you with us.
Japanese students back from antinuclear mission to UN
A group of high school students is back home after delivering an antinuclear message from Japan to the UN Office at Geneva. The group handed over about 96,000 signatures collected from across the country.
The students are part of a government program called Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons. Its aim is to convey the realities of atomic bombings to future generations.
The 22 students who went to Switzerland held a briefing in the city of Nagasaki on Saturday. One student shared her thoughts about the latest mission.
“I learned it is very important to talk to people who have different opinions and get to know their backgrounds. We will continue thinking about how to convey the feelings and thoughts of atomic bomb survivors to others and build a lasting peace without nuclear weapons or conflict.”
(High School Ambassadors for Peace” who delivered signatures calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons to the European headquarters of the United Nations held a debriefing session in Nagasaki City after returning to Japan and exchanged opinions with representatives of various countries. The High School Ambassadors for Peace are chosen from among high school students from all over Japan through an open application process. They collect signatures for the abolition of nuclear weapons and deliver them to the United Nations, appealing for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the importance of peace from the standpoint of the younger )
(This is a name given by the government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to the younger generation of people working in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation, with the aim of encouraging them to pass on their experiences of the atomic bombings and appeal to the international community amid the aging of the A-bomb survivors.)
厚生省の調査によると、広島と長崎に投下された原爆によって被爆した人たちの平均年齢は今年、85.58歳になりました。被爆者の高齢化が進む中で、核兵器廃絶への取り組みをどのように継承していくのかが課題となっています。(According to a survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the average age of those who were exposed to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki reached 85.58 this year. As the Hibakusha continue to age, the question is how to carry on their efforts to abolish nuclear weapons.)
-Today’s Takeaways. 現代英語を学ぶうえで役に立つ知識を取り上げます。
deliver an antinuclear message
deliver a speech「スピーチをする」
Right. And here I just like to explain the difference between deliver and in other word that came up today, convey.
So first, “deliver” can be used for pretty much anything, especially concrete things, and it focuses more on the end destination, the side that receives the delivery.
deliver 荷物などを届けるときに使う、受け取る側に焦点をあてている。
Right. On the other hand, we almost always use “convey” for abstract things like messages, feelings, or thoughts. “Convey” also focuses more on the process of communicating those things, not so much the receiving end.
一方、メッセージや感情、思考といった抽象的なものに対しては、ほとんどの場合「伝える」を使う。また、「Convey 」は、受け取る側ではなく、それらを伝えるプロセスに重点を置いている。
Right, right. “Deliver” is more about the thing, you’re giving to the other side and what they get, but “convey” is more about how you do it.
“I learned it is very important to talk to people who have different opinions and get to know their backgrounds.