ラジオビジネス英語 24/9/27(金)I3P8 Brett Cline ブレット・クライン10/4

ラジオビジネス英語 24/4/5(金) I1P1 Lekh Raj Juneja ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ10/4
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
毎週金曜日は、 各界で活躍するプロフェッショナルのインタビューを取り上げます。 関連語彙を習得しながら英語力を向上させ、さまざまな話題に対応できる教養を身につけていきましょう。
(Every Friday, we will feature interviews with professionals from various fields. Improve your English skills while acquiring relevant vocabulary, and become educated in a variety of topics.)
So let’s get started.
Interview 1 Part1
Lekh Raj Juneja ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ
今月と来月は、 菓子メーカーCEOのジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュさんにお話を伺います。
This month and next month, we will talk to Geneja Rekha Raju, CEO of a confectionery company.

インド出身。 亀田製菓株式会社の代表取締役会長 CEOを務める。 インドで発酵学を学んだ後、 1984年に大阪大学工学部の微生物学の研究員として来日。 89年名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科博士課程を修了。 同年、 太陽化学株式会社に入社し、2003年に代表取締役副社長に就任する。 14年にロート製薬株式会社の取締役副社長兼チーフヘルスオフィサー (CHO)に就任。 同社グループの子会社代表取締役社長、 グループ海外子会社会長を兼任し、 海外での事業発展にも尽力する。 20年に亀田製菓株式会社代表取締役副社長に就任。 22年から現職。
(Born in India. He is the Chairman and CEO of Kameda Seika Co. After studying fermentation in India, he came to Japan in 1984 as a researcher in microbiology at the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University. In 1989, he completed his doctoral studies at Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences. In the same year, he joined Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd. and was appointed as Representative Director and Vice President in 2003. In 2002, he became Executive Vice President and Chief Health Officer (CHO) of Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. He also serves as President and Representative Director of Rohto Group’s subsidiaries and Chairman of Rohto Group’s overseas subsidiaries, and is committed to developing business overseas. In 2008, he was appointed Executive Vice President and Representative Director of Kameda Seika Co. He has been in his current position since 2010.)

-Listening Point
What did Dr. Juneja like most about the company?
ジュネジャさんは、 今の会社のどこがいちばん気に入ったのですか?
OK. Let’s listen to today’s interview.

-Words and Phrases
take on -, ~を引き受ける
To accept a challenge task or responsibility. To begin something, that will probably take a lot of work. For example. I can’t take on any extra projects right now. There’s just not enough time. Mr. Shibata asked what inspired Dr. Janija to take on the role of CEO or what inspired him to assume the responsibilities of that role.

crunchy サクサクした、 カリカリした
If something is crunchy, it makes a sound when you bite into it or crush it, like an apple or some almonds. Having a crushing noise. Crunchy is not only used for food. For exámple, you might hear a crunchy sound when you walk on a pile of autumn leaves. It can also be used as a verb. As in the leaves were crunching underneath my feet. And a noun. As in the crunch of the leaves.
nutrition 栄養
Nourishment. Nutrition is about consuming sufficient food, and drink to keep the body healthy or help it grow. If something is nufritious, it’s good for the body and provides some substances it needs to function properly. For example, having a salad with dinner is nutritious, but having a bowl of candy for dinner is probably not, nutritious at all.
rice cracker せんべい
