ラジオビジネス英語 23/5/12 I1-P5 単語の書取

ラジオビジネス英語 23/5/12 I1-P5 Leonard Slatkin レナード・スラットキン
-Words and Phrases
when it comes to -, 〜のことになると
When it’s time for, when something actually happens. “When it comes to” is also used to refer to something indicate or emphasize a topic when talking about something in particular.

accomplish 達成する、成し遂げる
To achieve. To meet a Target or goal. Maestro. Slotkin mentioned having a plan and how to accomplish it or finish the plan and meet the goal.

be on the side 脇にいる
On the side or on the sidelines means that you’re not actively involved in a situation, but you are contributing to it in some way. Maestro Slatkin uses the example of coaches. They may have an active role while on the side or on the sidelines of the field while the athletes play on it.

yell 叫ぶ
To yell means to speak in a very loud voice. People yell for various reasons, such as expressing anger or to cheer on their favorites sports teams. Maestro Slatkin mentioned that we hear coaches yelling sometimes.
