23/11/6 English with Kayla – This language is second nature to you!

23/11/6 English with Kayla – This language is second nature to you!

This is definitely an English phrase.
That’s used all of the time.
That It’s become second nature to us.
You might have a phrase very similar to it in your first language.
If something is second nature, it means it comes so naturally or easy to you.
It’s like a habit.
It’s almost like breathing. 息をするような
But not quite of course.
A lot of my work has become second nature to me.
So, breathing, eating, sleeping.
Those things would be first nature.
But let’s say you’re really good at your job.
It comes very easily to you.
You’re one of the best people in your work position.
You could say, My work is like second nature to me.
It makes sense this is second nature.
After years of playing music, the piano is just second nature to sme people.
Driving a car is second nature to most adults.
My husband is so good at math.
It’s like second nature to him.
See? Second nature now.

second nature
