ラジオ英会話 24/10/9(水) L128 基本文型⑤ 説明型─オーバーラッピング
ラジオ英会話 24/10/9(水) L128 基本文型⑤ 説明型─オーバーラッピング
(Well, it’s almost my birthday. It has been 40 years since I decided to lose weight this year.)
うーん、無理だね。(Hmm, I don’t think that’s possible.) Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. It’s never too late to start.
-L128 基本文型⑤ 説明型─オーバーラッピング
I’m getting bored with your strange humor.
説明型で使われる動詞はbe動詞だけではありません。 be 動詞以外を使った説明型の文に慣れておきましょう。
ロンドンのパブでのメーガンとアントン。 キンゾウとの話が続いています。 キンゾウはメーガンたちの服装が気になるようですね。
(Megan and Anton in a London pub. They continue to talk with Kinzo. Kinzo seems to be concerned about what Megan and her friends are wearing.)
-Words & Phrases
strange or different
costume party 仮装パーティー
May I ask you something?
Western years.
confused 混乱して
That can’t be.
That can’t be true. / That can’t be right.
bored with
All right everybody, it’s time to practice, 説明型オーバーラッピング. The feeling is A equals B, the 主語 equals the 説明語句, and the verb shows how they are the same. All right, are you ready to practice?
Repeat after us.
that – great
That looks great.
That sounds great.
That smells great.
That tastes great.
That feels great.
All right, let’s keep going.
you – confused
You seem confused.
You appear confused.
OK, next one.
nothing – the same
Nothing remains the same.
Nothing stays the same.
All right and let’s wrap up with one more.