中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/7(火)T15-D2 Are you and your friends alike?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/7(火)T15-D2 Are you and your friends alike?
Are you and your friends alike?
Topic 15 Day 2
Q1. Why does Ken think his relationship with Saki won’t work out?
Q2. Why do you think Ken says, “Now, I’m sure. We have nothing in common”?
Q3. In your opinion, how did Ken do on his latest math test? Why do you think so?

-What would you say?
Topic: Are you and your friends alike?
We’re like night and day.
We have nothing in common.
We don’t share anything. と同じ意味で、 「何も共通点がない」
We’re opposites.
「友だちとは (好きなことなどが) 逆だ」
学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Are you and your friends alike?
-Open-ended Question
あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
What are some good points of having friends who are different from you?

in one’s opinion
= personally think/believe …; from one’s point of view
to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve
do (well) on the test
to get a good score
the details or reasons given to make something clear or easy to understand
good point
benefit, advantage, merit

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first question: Q1). Why does Ken think his relationship with Saki won’t work out?
Why does Ken think his relationship with Saki won’t work out?
Because they are just too different.
Nice answer. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.

The answer is: Because he and Saki are too different.
Riku, great answer. If you said, “Because Ken and Saki are opposites,” that’s correct, too.
Everyone, let’s try saying the first answer: Because he and Saki are too different. Very good.
All right. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

“We have nothing in common” means ” We are interested in completely different things. We are not alike at all.”
So, here’s the question: Why do you think Ken says, “Now, I’m sure. We have nothing in common”?
Why do you think Ken says, “Now, I’m sure. We have nothing in common”?

Because Saki’s math test score is a hundred.
Very nice. So, one way to answer is:
Because Saki got a perfect score on her math test, and Ken is not good at math. Riku, you said, “Because Saki’s math test score is one hundred.” That was correct. Great answer.
If you just said, “Because Saki got a perfect score on her math test,” you did a good job, too.
Everyone, let’s try saying the first answer in two parts.
“Because Saki got a perfect score on her math test,” “and Ken is not good at math.” Good job.
Ken thinks that he and Saki are different. Then he finds out that Saki is really good at math, So he has another reason to think that they are very different. That’s why he says, “Now, I’m sure. We have nothing in common.” Okay. Now, here’s the next question: In your opinion, how did Ken do on his latest math test? Why do you think so?
In your opinion, how did Ken do on his latest math test? Why do you think so?
