英会話 time trial 23/5/23 D12 あのツルのくちばしが見えますか?

英会話 time trial 23/5/23 D12 あのツルのくちばしが見えますか?
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Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 6 for the month of April.
Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to a new week of -.

(This time, we will study expressions related to animals. How would you describe the animal’s horns, wings, beak, etc.?)
Let’s practice.
Let’s begin with our first time trial.

1. 角
horns, antlers
ヘラジカの角には antlers
3. あの角はヘラジカのものですか、それともトナカイのものですか?
Are those antlers -?
4. 雄 (の) /雌(の)
male, female
ほとんど同じ almost the same
7. 羽[翼]
9. 鳥のくちばし
10. あのツルのくちばしが見えますか?
Can you see?
11. そのツルはくちばしで魚を捕りました!
That crane caught -.

OK. Great job! You practiced vocabulary and you made sentences.

So now you can check your answers with mine. And if you have a textbook, you can open it up and follow along.
OK, Listen closely.
