英会話 time trial 24/10/9(水) D8 -1). 形容詞 + eater, 2). 形容詞 + eating,

英会話 time trial 24/10/9(水) D8 -1). 形容詞 + eater, 2). 形容詞 + eating,
1). 形容詞 + eater, 2). 形容詞 + eating,
形容詞adjective plus eater, please give me many examples.

Here are several examples of adjectives combined with “eater” to describe eating habits or preferences:

picky eater – Someone who is very selective about what they eat.
heavy eater – A person who eats large amounts of food.
light eater – Someone who eats small portions or less food.
healthy eater – A person who primarily eats nutritious, healthful foods.
fast eater – Someone who eats quickly.
slow eater – A person who takes their time while eating.
messy eater – Someone who tends to spill or create a mess while eating.
greedy eater – A person who eats a lot, often in a selfish or excessive way.
fussy eater – Someone who is very particular or difficult about their food choices.
emotional eater – A person who eats in response to their emotions, like stress or sadness.
late-night eater – Someone who frequently eats late at night.
compulsive eater – A person who has an uncontrollable urge to eat, often beyond hunger.
mindful eater – Someone who pays attention to what and how they eat, often eating slowly and savoring each bite.
adventurous eater – A person who likes to try new and exotic foods.
casual eater – Someone who eats in a relaxed and informal way, often without focusing much on their food.
voracious eater – A person with a large appetite who eats eagerly and with great energy.
conscious eater – Someone who is very aware of what they are eating, often focusing on ethical or health aspects.
social eater – A person who enjoys eating in the company of others, often in social settings.
snail-paced eater – A person who eats extremely slowly.
joyful eater – Someone who takes great pleasure in eating and enjoys food.
These combinations reflect different eating habits, behaviors, and attitudes toward food.

以下は、食習慣や嗜好を表す形容詞に 「eater 」を組み合わせた例です:
picky eater – 食べるものをとても選ぶ人。
heavy eater – 大量に食べる人。
light eater – 食べる量が少ない人。
healthy eater(ヘルシーイーター) – 栄養価が高く、健康的な食べ物を主に食べる人。
fast eater – 早く食べる人。
slow eater – 食べるのに時間がかかる人。
messy eater – 食事中に食べこぼしたり、散らかしたりしがちな人。
greedy eater(貪欲な人) – たくさん食べる人。
fussy eater – 食べ物の選択にとてもこだわりがあったり、気難しい人。
emotional eater – ストレスや悲しみなどの感情に反応して食べる人。
深夜食 – 深夜に頻繁に食事をする人。
強迫的摂食者 – 空腹以上に食べたい衝動が抑えられない人。
mindful eater – 食べるものや食べ方に気を配り、一口一口を味わいながらゆっくり食べる人。
adventurous eater – 新しい食べ物やエキゾチックな食べ物に挑戦するのが好きな人。
カジュアル・イーター(casual eater) – リラックスしてカジュアルに食べる人。
voracious eater – 食欲旺盛で、勢いよく食べる人。
conscious eater(コンシャス・イーター) – 自分が何を食べているかをよく意識して食べる人。
social eater(社交的な食べ方) – 他人と一緒に食事を楽しむ人。
snail-paced eater – 食べるスピードが非常に遅い人。
joyful eater(ジョイフルイーター) – 食べることに大きな喜びを感じ、食を楽しむ人。

2). 形容詞adjective plus eating, please give me many examples.

Here are several examples of adjectives combined with “eating” to describe different eating habits, behaviors, or styles:

healthy eating – Consuming a balanced diet with nutritious food.
fast eating – Eating quickly or at a rapid pace.
slow eating – Eating food at a leisurely pace.
mindful eating – Paying full attention to the experience of eating, savoring each bite.
emotional eating – Eating in response to feelings, such as stress, sadness, or boredom.
conscious eating – Being aware of what and how much one is eating, often with a focus on health or ethics.
excessive eating – Eating more food than necessary or eating beyond satiety.
compulsive eating – Feeling a strong, uncontrollable urge to eat, often in large quantities.
social eating – Eating in a social setting, such as with friends or family.
binge eating – Consuming a large amount of food in a short period, often to the point of discomfort.
messy eating – Eating in a way that creates a mess or is untidy.
clean eating – Focusing on eating whole, unprocessed foods, and avoiding artificial ingredients.
joyful eating – Taking pleasure and delight in the experience of eating.
adventurous eating – Willingness to try new or exotic foods.
miindless eating – Eating without paying attention, often while distracted.
fussy eating – Being very selective or difficult about what to eat.
guilt-free eating – Eating without feeling guilty, often used for healthy indulgences.
late-night eating – Eating food late at night, often as a snack or a meal.
balanced eating – Eating a variety of foods in moderation for a well-rounded diet.
sustainable eating – Focusing on consuming food that is good for both health and the environment.

These combinations highlight various ways people approach eating based on their habits, emotions, and preferences.


healthy eating(健康的な食事) – 栄養のあるものをバランスよく食べる。
fast eating(早食い) – 急いで食べる。
slow eating(スローイーティング) – ゆったりとしたペースで食べること。
マインドフルイーティング – 食べることに注意を払い、一口一口を味わう。
感情的な食事 – ストレス、悲しみ、退屈などの感情に反応して食べること。
意識的な食事 – 健康や倫理に重点を置いて、何をどれだけ食べているかを意識すること。
過食 – 必要以上に食べたり、満腹感を超えて食べたりすること。
強迫的摂食 – 強い、抑えられない食べたいという衝動を感じること。
社交食 – 友人や家族など、社交的な場で食べること。
むちゃ食い – 短時間に大量の食物を摂取すること。
乱雑食 – 散らかっていたり、片付いていなかったりする食べ方。
クリーンイーティング(clean eating) – 人工的な食材を避け、加工されていない食品を食べること。
楽しい食事 – 食べることに喜びや楽しみを感じること。
冒険的な食事 – 新しい食べ物やエキゾチックな食べ物に挑戦すること。
無心食(mindless eating) – 注意を払わずに食べること。
fussy eating(うるさい食べ方) – 食べるものを非常に選り好みする。
guilt-free eating(罪悪感なし食) – 罪悪感を感じずに食べること。
深夜食 – 夜遅くに食事をすることで、間食や食事として食べることが多い。
balanced eating(バランスの取れた食事) – 豊かな食生活のために、様々な食品を適度に食べること。
持続可能な食事 – 健康にも環境にも良い食品を摂取することに重点を置く。

