BBC Learning English:How to 🗣️ say ‘comfortable’

BBC Learning English:How to 🗣️ say ‘comfortable’

Comfortable or comfortable? [kʌ́mftəbl]
Hmm, this blanket is so comfortable.
Want to say this word more like a native speaker?
Lose a syllable.
Though this word looks like it has four syllables when we write it,
when native speakers say this word, we say it with three syllables.
We lose the /ʌ́/ sound.
So, comfortable becomes comfortable.
Practice saying it with me.
Ah, this sofa is so comfortable.
I am so comfortable right now.
There are other words in English that lose syllables.
Can you think of any?
Leave us a comment.

comfortable ˈkʌmftəbl 快適な
blanket ˈblæŋkɪt 毛布
native speaker ˈneɪtɪv ˈspikər 母語話者
lose a syllable luz ə ˈsɪləbəl 音節を減らす
sound saʊnd 音
sofa ˈsoʊfə ソファ
right now raɪt naʊ 今すぐ、今現在
comment ˈkɑmɛnt コメント、意見
word wɜrd 単語
syllable ˈsɪləbəl 音節
