BBC Learning English:(24/12/16)English idiom quiz

BBC Learning English: English idiom quiz

Ready for a challenge? It’s time for an English idioms quiz.
Okay, what does it mean when someone says something is a piece of cake?
1. hard to do
2. quick to do
3. easy to do
If something’s a piece of cake, it’s easy to do. This quiz is a piece of cake, so far.
Next up, what’s the meaning of spill the beans?
1. talk loudly
2. reveal a secret
3. make a mess
It means reveal a secret. Please don’t spill the beans about Neil’s surprise party.
To learn more English idioms for free, head to our website, Now, what does it mean when someone says you’ve hit the nail on the head?
1. be exactly right
2. finish a task well
3. hurt yourself
It means you’re exactly right. Sabrina really hit the nail on the head in her interview when she perfectly explained why she was right for the job.
Last one. What does the ball is in your court mean?
1. you’ve won a game
2. it’s your fault
3. it’s your decision
It means it’s your decision. Once we send the proposal, the ball is in their court. Let us know your score in the comments.

ready ˈrɛdi 準備ができている
challenge ˈʧælɪnʤ 挑戦
idioms ˈɪdiəmz 熟語、イディオム
quiz kwɪz クイズ
piece of cake piːs əv keɪk 簡単なこと、朝飯前
hard to do hɑːrd tə duː やるのが難しい
quick to do kwɪk tə duː やるのが早い
easy to do ˈiːzi tə duː 簡単にできる
spill the beans spɪl ðə biːnz 秘密を漏らす
talk loudly tɔːk ˈlaʊdli 大声で話す
reveal a secret rɪˈviːl ə ˈsiːkrɪt 秘密を明かす
make a mess meɪk ə mɛs 乱雑にする
website ˈwɛbˌsaɪt ウェブサイト
hit the nail on the head hɪt ðə neɪl ɒn ðə hɛd 的確に言い当てる
be exactly right biː ɪɡˈzæktli raɪt 全く正しい
finish a task well ˈfɪnɪʃ ə tæsk wɛl 仕事をうまく終える
hurt yourself hɜːrt jərˈsɛlf 自分を傷つける
the ball is in your court ðə bɔːl ɪz ɪn jər kɔːrt 次はあなたの番(決定権があなたにある)
you’ve won a game juːv wʌn ə ɡeɪm 試合に勝った
it’s your fault ɪts jər fɔːlt あなたの責任だ
it’s your decision ɪts jər dɪˈsɪʒən あなたの決定だ
proposal prəˈpoʊzəl 提案、申し出
let us know lɛt ʌs noʊ 私たちに知らせて
score skɔːr 得点
comments ˈkɒmɛnts コメント
