SPOTVNOW-ドジャース・大谷翔平 ヒーローインタビュー!】40本塁打40盗塁

SPOTVNOW-ドジャース・大谷翔平 ヒーローインタビュー!】40本塁打40盗塁を史上最速&同日達成!「最後に打てたことはドジャースに来てから一番の思い出」

Shohei, what an incredible achievement to be. Now, a part of the 40
Okay, okay.
Get through this. To be a part of the 40-40 club. What an honor! What is that achievement mean to you?
Obviously really happy. But most importantly really happy that we were able to win today.
So I’m just extremely honored that I’ve been part of his history with your 40th stolen based.
We all wanted you to pick it up, put it over your head, what was your reaction to it in a house special? How special is that for you?
It’s really more about the winning. You know, obviously, the record is part of the process, but I think the most important thing is about winning the game.
When you have your 40th career home running, it happens to be a game-winning Grand Slam. How do you describe that?
Yeah, really I was really focused on trying to win the game, so I’ve really felt that obviously when I crossed the plate at home plate.
You’re someone who sets a lot of goals for yourself to now. Be a part of this very special group of a 40 40 club. Do you now have your eye set on something more?
Number one goal to get to the postseason and win the World Serious and whatever the outcome is for my record. That’ part of the process.
Before I let you go. How amazing was it to achieve this here at home in front of all of these fans at Dodgers Stadium.
Obviously means a tremendous amount for me to be able to do this in front of the, you know, home crowd.
Congratulations, Shohei.
Thank you.
