Elon Musk said, “I’m going to work my ass off for you guys”

Elon Musk said, “I’m going to work my ass off for you guys”
The sentence “I’m going to work my ass off for you guys” means:

“I will work extremely hard and put in a lot of effort to help or support you (the group).”

“Work my ass off”: This is a casual and somewhat slangy expression meaning to put in an extraordinary amount of effort or work tirelessly.
“For you guys”: Refers to the people the speaker is addressing, indicating that the effort is for their benefit or in support of them.

Work my ass off”(私のお尻を労って): これはカジュアルでやや俗っぽい表現で、並外れた努力をする、たゆまぬ努力をするという意味。

This phrase is often used to show commitment, dedication, or a willingness to go above and beyond to achieve a goal or support a group of people. It’s informal and conveys enthusiasm or determination.

sentence /ˈsɛn.təns/ 文
going to /ˈɡoʊ.ɪŋ tuː/ ~するつもり
work my ass off /wɝːk maɪ æs ɔːf/ 一生懸命働く、全力で取り組む(スラング)
for you guys /fɔːr juː ɡaɪz/ あなたたちのために
means /miːnz/ 意味する
extremely hard /ɪkˈstriːm.li hɑːrd/ 非常に一生懸命
put in a lot of effort /pʊt ɪn ə lɑːt əv ˈɛf.ɚt/ 多大な努力をする
help /hɛlp/ 助ける
support /səˈpɔːrt/ 支援する
breakdown /ˈbreɪk.daʊn/ 内訳、詳細
casual /ˈkæʒ.u.əl/ カジュアルな、くだけた
slangy /ˈslæŋ.i/ スラング的な
expression /ɪkˈsprɛʃ.ən/ 表現
extraordinary amount /ɪkˈstrɔːr.də.nɛr.i əˈmaʊnt/ 並外れた量
tirelessly /ˈtaɪɚ.ləs.li/ 疲れを知らずに
benefit /ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/ 利益、恩恵
commitment /kəˈmɪt.mənt/ 献身、約束
dedication /ˌdɛd.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 専念、献身
willingness /ˈwɪl.ɪŋ.nəs/ 意欲、やる気
go above and beyond /ɡoʊ əˈbʌv ənd bɪˈjɑːnd/ 期待以上の努力をする
achieve a goal /əˈtʃiːv ə ɡoʊl/ 目標を達成する
informal /ɪnˈfɔːr.məl/ 非公式な、くだけた
conveys /kənˈveɪz/ 伝える
enthusiasm /ɪnˈθuː.ziˌæz.əm/ 熱意
determination /dɪˌtɝː.mɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 決意
