(23/12/12)English by Giovana-The wheel exploded ❌

(23/12/12)English by Giovana-The wheel exploded ❌

Oh, no!
How may I help you ma'am?
The wheel exploded.
The wheel exploded? You mean you havd a blowout.
I had a blowout.
Don't worry. I'll solve that with a jack.
Who's Jack?
Ha, ha, ha. This is called a jack.
We use it to life the car, and remove the tire.
Wow, thanks.
No problem. That's what mechanics are for.

blowout 〔タイヤの突然の〕破裂、パンク
jack 《車》起重機、ジャッキ
mechanic(s) 機械工、職工


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