(23/12/16)English by Giovana-Reading emails and getting confused 📧

(23/12/16)English by Giovana-Reading emails and getting confused 📧

RSVP? What the heck?
The email says, RSVP. What's that?
It means "Please respont."
Oh. What about TL:DR? In this other email?
Too long, didn't read.
What? The person didn't read my email?
TL;DR is a summary for the recipient.
in case the original email was too long.
Wow! How do you know all these words?
Many years of experience, here in the company.

RSVP 〔招待に対して〕出欠の返事をする(repondez s'il vous plait(フランス語で「お返事を下さい」)
What the heck? 一体何が[誰が]、何てこった、畜生
TL;DR , "Too Long, Didn't Read"
recipient [risípiənt] 受信者


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