(23/12/17)This is 英会話 -クリスマス直前のアメリカのケンタッキーフライドチキンが日本と全然違った!
Hey, how's it going?
Doing alright. What can I got for you?
Let's see. you got like a combo?
I have a lot of combos. What are you looking for?
Okay. Um, I'm just looking for some chicke, I think.
And maybe some sides.
I think I'm gonna go for the, uh the number three
the three piece chicken combo, please.
Uh. Would you like the original or extra chispy?
Um, let's see, uh
Can I do a little bit of mix and match?
You sure can.
Okay, so a little bit crispy, a little bit original.
and then I also had question for you,
So do you folks have any Christmas specials?
Uh, not uh, uh, not this time.
We do have a couple things for half price right now.
Is the Family Fil-Ups probably for like 3 or 4 people, right?
Okay, that might be a little much for me.
So I, I think I'm just gonna go with the number 3.
and then as far as a dessert
do you have anything?
I have cookies, cakes, or apple pies.
Oh, my gosh.
Um, how about, I'll just go for uh a cookie.
Okay. Uh, they come in a pair for a dollar.
Okay, I'll go for a cookies.
And then I think I'm also gonna get a drink.
I'll take a medium. uh, do I fill it myself?
Okay, cool.
You actually goet on with your combo.
Okay, great.
And um, I think that's about it.
All right, anytthing else for you today?
No, I think that'll do it.
So number 3, half and half, uh
with uh 2 cookies added on
Your total today is going to be $12.56.
Did you know that KFC is really popular in Japan during Christmas time?
Oh, yeah.
You knew that? Okay, cool!