Carokowanz-English – Everyday conversations with Mike and Nails 🤣
Carokowanz-English – Everyday conversations with Mike and Nails 🤣
What are you doing?
Uh, sweetie.
Could you please lower your voice?
Where are you?
Um.. sorry.
Oh my good. No!!
Could we keep it down a bit?
Oh, he’s camping.
Just a aecond please.
Zip it for a sec.
Behind you!
Shut your pie hole!
Yes, yes!
Mike! Put a sock in it!
Got him!
Mike! Shut the fu*k up!!! Please!
Sorry, man. I gotta go. My wife is going crazy. Bye.
zip it. =shut your mouth(口を閉じる、黙る)
zip ファスナーを締める、チャックを締める
Bhind you! 後ろに気をつけて。
Shut your pie hole 「口を閉じろ」「黙れ」
pie hole 口
Put a sock in it! 黙れ!
Shut the fu*k up! 黙れ!