英会話 feel English 4月-今月のキモチ+フレーズまとめ

英会話 feel English 4月-今月のキモチ+フレーズまとめ

L1 I think ..,
1). 断定はしたくないとき
A: Hurry up and chose!
B: Okay … I think I’ll get this one.

A: He’s so strange.
B: Really? I think he’s funny.

L2 I don’t know …
1). 時間を稼ぎたいとき
A: What should we do?
B: I don’t know… Go shopping?

2). 反対の意見をやわらかく言いたいとき
A: That movie was terrible!
B: I don’t know. I kind of liked it.

L3 I know!
1). 相手に同意したいとき
A: She’s so lucky.
B: I know!

2).「あ! ひらめいた!」と言いたいとき
A: Let’s do something exciting.
B: Hmm… I know! How about the library?

L4 I can’t …
1). 「ムリです」と断りたいとき
A: Let’s go to this concert on Thursday!
B: I can’t. I have to clean the house.

2). 「我慢も限界!」のとき
A: What’s wrong, Thelma?
B: I can’t take it anymore!

L5 I’m going to …
1). 「今から・・・するんだけど」 と相手に伝えたいとき
A: I’m going to watch a movie. Want to join me?
B: Sure! What are we watching?

2). 決意を伝えたいとき
A: I’m going to practice the cello every day.
B: Wait. You play the cello?

L6 I have to …
1). まだ親しくはない相手をほめたいとき
A: Nice to meet you, Emily.
B: Nice to meet you, too. I have to say I love your shoes!

2). 不本意な気持ちを乗せたいとき
A: So, we should stop buying fruit for the breakroom.
B: I have to disagree with you.

L7 be able to ..
1). 感じよく見せたいとき
A: Will you be able to attend the meeting?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I will be in LA for work.

2). 「しかたなかった」感を出したいとき
A: I wasn’t able to catch my plabe.
B: You mean you overslept again?

L8 I thought …
1). 思っていたことと実際が違うとき
A: Oh! The roof is leaking.
B: I thought you fixed the reaf last week!

2). 「だと思ったよ」と言いたいとき
A: The bathroom is still locked. Who’s in there?
B: Keiko.
A: I thought so.

L9 You can…
「遠慮なく・・・ してね」と言いたいとき
A: I have to tell you something. It’s important.
B: What is it?
A: Well… I …
B: Go on. You an tell me anything.

2). 相手を励ましたいとき
A: Wow! Kazuki is in the lead!
B: You can make it. Just a little more!

L10 You can’t …
A: It’s late. I should get home.
B: You can’t go! The party is just starting!

2). ポジティブな声かけをしたいとき
A: I’m looking for the city library. I’m so lost.
B: Don’t worry. Go straight down this road, then turn left. You can’t miss it.

L11 I [he / she / you] said …
A: What did you say?
B: I said, “It’s too noisy in here.”

2). 「…と言ったのに!」と相手を攻めたい時の You said …
A: You said you would buy ice cream.
B: Sorry.

L12 of course
1). 「当然だよ」と言いたいとき
A: So many choices. What should we get? Do you like pizza?
B: Of course. Everybody likes pizza.

2). 「いいですよ」 と親切に応じたいとき
A: Can I join you?
B: Of course.

L13 You have to …
A: I can’t open this container. The top won’t come off.
B: Oh, I have one of those. You have to press that down.

2). 「ぜひやってみて!」とおすすめしたいとき
A: It was wonderful! You have to go sometime.
B:I don’t know. I don’t really like camping.

L14 There is [are / was / were ]…
1). 新たな話題を持ち出したいとき
A: There was a loud noise just a minute ago. Di yuou hear it?
B: No. I was sleeping like a log.

2). 強い拒絶を表したいとき There is (no way) …
A: There is no way I’m going to that party.
B: Really? There will be cake.

L15 Look at…
1). 「なんとまあ!」と言いたいとき
Hi, Thelma!
B: Well, look at that! You’re on time.

2). 相手の注意を引きたいとき Look at (me)
A: I can’t go out there. I’m too nervous!
B: Paul! Look at me. Just relax. You can do this!

L16 more than …
1) 大絶賛したいとき
A: You have to watch it!
B: Why?
A: It’s more than just a movie. It will change your life.

2). 「全然! いいよ!」 と言いたいとき
A: Do you need a hand?
B: No, no. I can’t trouble you.
A: I’d be more than happy to help you.
