英会話 feel English 23/11/8(水) L115 I was like –

英会話 feel English 23/11/8(水) L115 I was like –

like はここでは「好き」という意味ではありませんよ~、
-Phrase Rank No.14
I was like…
Thelma was going to meet a friend, but her friend canceled at the last minute. Thelma found out she was lied to and is telling Emily all about it.
(Thelma tells Emily about a time when a friend of hers canceled an appointment with her at the last minute.)

evil twin 邪悪な双子

She said she was out of town yesterday.
Yeah. And I was like… “I saw you.”

And I was like… “I saw you.”
それで私が 「見かけたよ」って言ったんだ。

テルマは、出張を理由に自分との予定をドタキャンした友達を町で見かけたので、翌日、彼女に「見かけたよ」 と詰め寄ります。 (Thelma saw a friend in town who had canceled plans with her because she was on a business trip, so the next day she approached her and said, “I saw her.”)

I was like… は I said … と同じで、話した内容をそのまま再現して生き生きと直接伝える役割があるのでしたね。
I said… よりもカジュアルな表現として、 特に若い人が使います。
