英会話 feel English 23/4/17 L9 You can -.

英会話 feel English 23/4/17 L9 You can -.

-Target Phrase. You can … Feel English! 1
1). 「遠慮なく・・・ してね」 と言いたいときの You can …
Emily looks like she has something on her mind. And Thelma starts to worry.
(Emily seems to want to say something important to Thelma.)

What is it?
Well… I…
Go on. You can tell me anything.

You can tell me anything.

-Target Phrase. You can … Feel English! 2
2). 相手を励ましたいときの You can…
Emily and Olivia have a friend who is running a marathon. They’re cheering him on near the finish line.

エミリーとオリビアは、 友達のカズキが出場している市民マラソン大会をゴールの近くで見ています。
(Emily and Olivia are watching near the finish line of a citizen marathon in which their friend Kazuki is participating.)

in the lead 先頭で、首位に立って
Good try! 頑張ったよ!

Wow! Kazuki is in the lead!
You can make it! Just a little more!

You can make it!
