英会話 feel English 23/5/11 L20 I mean -.

英会話 feel English 23/5/11 L20 I mean -.
Target Phrase.
I mean …
Feel English! 1 Phrase Rank No.6
1). 「つまりね」 と説明を続けたいときのI mean -.
Thelma and Shawn’s friend Yoko is playing the piano at a party. Thelma thinks she’s amazing.
(Thelma is thrilled to see Yoko playing the piano at the party. But Sean…)

talented 才能がある

I mean, she can play the piano, the guitar, and the drums!
つまりね、彼女はピアノも、 ギターも、ドラムもできるし!

2) 自分の言い間違いを直したいときの I mean -.
Emily and Olivia are at the usual cafe. Olivia is eager to know about the class reunion she missed yesterday.

Dialogue ②
学生時代からの友達、 エミリーとオリビアはいつものカフェにいます。
(Friends from school days, Emily and Olivia are at their usual cafe.
Emily went to her class reunion yesterday.)

reunion 同窓会
