英会話 feel English 23/5/15 L21 a bit

英会話 feel English 23/5/15 L21 a bit
a bit 「ちょっと」
-Target Phrase Feel English! 1
Phrase Rank No.11
「ちょっとね」と返事するときのa bit
Olivia recently borrowed Emily’s sweater, and is returning it with a stain.
(Olivia accidentally stained the sweater she borrowed from Emily.)

sweater [swétər]

Are you angry?
A bit. That was my favorite sweater.
a bit
a little

a bit angry のことだと考えられ、 副詞的な使い方になります。 A little bit. と答えても同じです。

表現をやわらげたいときの a bit (of …)

Emily and Thelma had decided to go to the movies tonight. But…
(Emily is going to the movies with Thelma and has come to see if everything is ready.)

Oh, man!
work dinner 仕事関係のディナー

I made a bit of a mistake. I forgot that I have a work dinner.
Oh, man!
