英会話 feel English 23/5/30 L30 right now

英会話 feel English 23/5/30 L30 right now

right now なんて言わないで now でいいじゃん、と思っていると、英語のキモチが遠のきます。
1). 「ちょうど今は・・・」と言うときの right now
One day Emily and Paul bump into each other on the street.
(Emily and Paul run into each other on the street.)

not yet
take lessons

Hey. Do you want to get a coffee?
Sorry, I can’t right now. I have to go to my piano lesson.

Sorry, I can’t right now.

2). 「今すぐ」と言いたいときの right now

It’s a busy day at the office. Shawn has an urgent message for Thelma.
オフィスで、 テルマにショーンが声をかけてきました。
(In the office, Thelma is approached by Shawn.)

client 顧客、 取引先
hurry up
I’ll be right there.

Thelma, we need you in the meeting room.
Okay. Do you need me right now?

Do you need me right now?
