英会話 feel English 23/9/14(木) L88 the end of … で 「〜の最後」


英会話 feel English 23/9/14(木) L88 the end of … で 「〜の最後」
the end of … で 「〜の最後」、会話ではどんなふうに使うんでしょうか?
the end of…
Phrase Rank No.36

1). 「いろいろあるけど最終的には・・・」 と言いたいときの at the end of the day
Emily has just finished talking on the phone with her parents and she’s angry.
(Emily just got off the phone with her parents, and they seem upset about something.)

They think I should go back to school.
Ah, I see.
But I love my job!
At the end of the day, it’s your decision.

At the end of the day, it’s your decision.

(After a phone call with her parents, Emily seems upset.)
(When Thelma asks Emily what’s going on, she learns that Emily’s parents are encouraging her to go to graduate school, but that Emily likes her current job.)
(Thelma, a lot of people will say a lot of things, but in the end it’s your decision.”)
というキモチで at the end of the day と言っています。
これは文字どおりには「その日の最後には」ですが、「(いろいろ意見はあるだろうけれども) 最終的には、 結局は」 という意味の慣用句です。

So you finally bought the fish necklace!
Well, at the end of the day, I just love fish.

2). the end of…
Feel English! 2
「大したことないよ」と慰めたいときの It’s not the end of the world.
Emily answers a call from Paul, who seems to be in a slight panic.

エミリーがポールからの電話に出ると、 ポールは慌てている様子で・・。
(When Emily answers Paul’s phone call, he seems panicked…)
