基礎英語2 23/6/9 L45 W1-D5 Basketball Team

基礎英語2 23/6/9 L45 W1-D5 Basketball Team
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

June Week 1 – Basketball Team
Weekly Goal 仲間をやる気にさせる Day 5
Review is important.
Weekly Conversation
Listen to this week’s conversations and answer the following questions in English.
1). Did Kenta think his team could win against Fujimi Junior High?
2). Did Kenta’s team win against Fujimi?

-Answers to the questions
1 No, he thought it was impossible. (いいえ、 彼は不可能だと思っていました。)
2 No, they didn’t. They lost the game by 10 points. (いいえ、10点差で負けました)

-First Read-through
Read Kenta’s email for the main points.
健太は友だちにメールを書いています。 主なポイントをつかみましょう。
(Kenta is writing an email to his friend. Let’s get to the main points.)
1 What did Kenta and Leo do today?
2 What is Kenta happy about?

-Words & Phrases
loe big 大負けする
Have a good day!
