中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/5/17 T4-3 Do you think video games are a waste of time?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/5/17 T4-3 Do you think video games are a waste of time?
Why does Ken seem to be happy?
What is Ken into?
Q1. Saki says, “Video games are just games.” What do you think she means?
Q2. What does Saki say she likes to do?
Q3. Can you give an example of something that might make the world better?

What would you say?。
Topic: Do you think video games are a waste of time?
→「ビデオゲームをすることはいい時間の使い方だと思わない」 場合に使えるフレーズをご紹介します。 Yes. に続けて、 その理由を話しましょう。
I think video games are mostly a waste of time.
I prefer to do things in the real world. I prefer X to Y. = I like X better than Y.
I have better things to do.
I would rather sleep.

Do you think video games are a waste of time?
-Open-ended Question
In your opinion, what are the bad points of video games?

seem to
to look as if, to appear to
Too bad, Ken!
= I’m sorry for you, Ken!
exactly right
perfectly correct
to use things again without throwing them away
nice, wonderful, charming, fantastic
Do your best.
=Good luck. / You can do it. / Try hard.
I would rather sleep = I prefer to sleep.
lose studying time
to have less time to study
right for
good for

In the dialogue, Ken seems to be happy when he learns that Saki isn’t really into sports.
Yes. He seems to like Saki. So, maybe he’s happy that she isn’t into sports, either.
Yeah. Often, friends are into the same things.
Right. They like to talk about and do the same things.
Mm-hmm. Riku, are you and your friends into the same things?
For example, what are you and your friends into?
I go to so delicious café.
You go to a café? And you have something delicious to drink, to eat?
Yeah. I like parfait.
A parfait. And your friends go with you?
Okay. So, you’re into delicious parfaits.
Okay. So, Ken seems to be happy when he learns that Saki isn’t really into sports. But then…
He learns that Saki’s not into video games, either.
Oh, no. Too bad, Ken!
Yeah. We’re about to hear the dialogue again.
Yes. Let’s listen. And then we’ll talk about Saki’s opinions.

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first question: Saki says, “Video games are just games.” What do you think she means?
Saki says, “Video games are just games.” What do you think she means?
I think video games are fantasy, not real.
You think she means that video games are fantasy, not real. And one more thing. Try to say “fantasy,” not
Nice. Great. Okay. Let’s listen to what Saki said.
-from the Dialogue
Video games are just games. They’re fantasy, not real. I want to do real things that make the real world better. I think video games are mostly a waste of time.
