毎日新聞 The Mainichi – ‘Live rich by marrying a Mie Pref. man’: Japan mayor under fire for remarks on gender gap

毎日新聞 The Mainichi – ‘Live rich by marrying a Mie Pref. man’: Japan mayor under fire for remarks on gender gap
三重県人と結婚して豊かに暮らせ」: 日本の市長が男女格差発言で炎上

TSU — A city mayor has drawn scorn for declaring at a Feb. 16 meeting of municipal leaders from across Mie Prefecture that he would launch a campaign to attract new female residents by saying they can “live rich by marrying a (high-earning) Mie Prefecture man” during discussions on closing the gender gap.

The comments by Kuwana Mayor Narutaka Ito came during a prefectural-municipal regional development cooperation conference attended by prefectural government executives and 29 municipal heads in the capital Tsu.

In response, Mie Vice Gov. Keiko Hirota said, “It sounds like you’re saying women should depend on men.”

under fire 炎上 する
draw scorn 軽蔑を招く
gender gap ジェンダー・ギャップ、ジェンダー性による価値観[社会的役割]の違い
in response それに応じて[答えて・対し(て)]



