ラジオ英会話 NHK Book Movie -ラジオ英会話2023年11月号 自分の判断を表現してみよう

NHK Book Movie -ラジオ英会話2023年11月号 自分の判断を表現してみよう

Roza, Roza, Roza, wait, wait, wait! You’re not acting like yourself. Are you OK?
何のこと。 私はいつもこんな感じで格好良くて、クールでメガネをかけていて
That can’t be ture. You are always so…vibrant, energetic, and I’m sure Onishi-sensei will say the same thing. You must have eaten something strange. Come back, Roza. Come back!
What?! What happened?
Much better. It’s good to see you back.
What? I feel strange. Did something happen.
Oh, I see. They’re magic glasses.
Yeah. I put them on, and and I…. something happened. I don’t remember. You should put them on.

I sure -.
You must -.
That can’t be true. そんなはずはない。
