ラジオ英会話23/5/29 L36 発言タイプ:理解を深める ⑦ 理解を確かめる

ラジオ英会話23/5/29 L36 発言タイプ:理解を深める ⑦ 理解を確かめる
It’s nice to be young
Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Let’s have fun today.
And I’m David Evans. And I’m feeling as strong and useful as ever.
If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we need to be alone.
相手の発言内容を正しく理解するのは、会話の基本。今回は自分の理解が正しいのかを確かめるテクニックの登場です。(Understanding what the other person is saying is the basis of conversation. This time, it is the appearance of a technique to check whether your understanding is correct.)
アンドロイドのフランキーとジーニーが公園で話しています。 ようやく2人の関係が落ち着きそうですね。
(Androids Frankie and Genie are talking in the park. It seems that their relationship is finally at peace.)

-Words & Phrases
in a long time
by myself
space 空間
company 誰かと一緒にいること
Exactly. (返答で)そのとおり。
distant 冷ややかな、冷たい

Today we have many phrases. Let’s remember these in blocks. Don’t focus on each individual word. Remember them as a unit together. Okay?
Okay. Let’s go.
If I understand you correctly, you’re saying -.
If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that -.
