英会話 time trial 23/5/19 D10 すてきなお花を探しにホームセンターへ.

英会話 time trial 23/5/19 D10 すてきなお花を探しにホームセンターへ.
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 10 for the month of May.
And here’s a navigator to Sweden.
Hi, everyone. I’m Yanni Olsen. You’ll have a conversation with me today in Sweden.
All right, everyone.
Here we go.

-Across The Globe!
And today we’re talking about flowers.
Oh, that’s a wonderful topic for the spring in Sweden.

Imagine this.
Today you’ll go shopping. You’re looking for flowers for your room.

I work at the flower shop. So I’ll tell you about two popular flowers in Sweden, geraniums and tulips.
So answer my questions and let’s find some nice flowers for you.
Reply in your own words.
So try to have a 7-turn conversation about some beautiful flowers.
Ready, start.

1. God morgon. How can I help you today?
英語の Good morning. にあたるスウェーデン語
2. OK. Follow me… So… Are these flowers for an event? Or for your home?
3. Well, we have these white geraniums… Beautiful flowers, aren’t they?
4. Oh, these tulips just arrived. Do you like tulips?
5. So… Which would you like, orange tulips or white geraniums?
6. Good choice!! And we have a spring special… You get free seeds if you buy flowers. What kind of seeds would you like? We have sunflower, daisy, and morning glory.
7. Another good choice!! Here you are!
