Carokowanz-English – Buying a coffee in 2024| Learn English while having fun♥️

Carokowanz-English – Buying a coffee in 2024| Learn English while having fun♥️

Can I get a mattcha latte please?
For here or to go?
To go.
Are you payin by card?
Oh, what’s this?
A tip.
A tip for the coffee?
The tip is for the service we provide.
Sure. Let’s do… 5%
Thank you.
Oh, one second. Do you want to donate for starving children around the world?
starving children, okay, sure, yeah! 10%
and this one.
Save the snail.
Yes. We rescue wild snails and take care of them.
Okay, yeah, but I mean snails …
It’s for the environment.
Yeah, I know, but…
You don’t care about the environment?
I do.
Yeah, I do. Yeah, save the snails.
Thank you.
That’ll be $45.
Can I pay cash?
Oh, Okay.
If I pay cash, Do I still give you the donations?
Yes, of course.
Ah… Okay.

For here or to go? ここで食べますか、お持ち帰りですか?
The tip is for the service we provide. チップは当社が提供するサービスに対するものです
donate 寄付する
starving children 飢餓に苦しむ子どもたち
save 救う
snail カタツムリ
environment 環境
donation(s) 寄付
