Carokowanz-English – ✈️Flying low cost be like:

Carokowanz-English – ✈️Flying low cost be like:

Chicken or pasta
Is the pasta vegetarian?
Then I’ll get pasta. Thank you.
Ohm, sorry.
We just ran out of pasta.
Oh, you ran out of pasta?
You understand? No more pasta.
(Speaks German)
I don’t speak German.
(Speaks Spanish)
I… I understand English.
Oh, ok!
It’s just that… You just offered it. And you don’t have any left.
It’s sad. I booked this flight, and I also chose vegetarian.
Maybe you can choose something from thje menu.
I’ll get …the tomato sandwich, please. Thanks.
That’ll be $25,50
Would you like any drinks?

run out of -,
chose , choose の過去形
