Carokowanz-English – Learn English with a messy room 🫠

Carokowanz-English – Learn English with a messy room 🫠

It’s a little stuffy in here.
Yeah. There’s no air, no ventilation.
You should open the window.
Yeah. I’ll open the window later.
What is the pile of clothes?
Oh, it’s all clean. It’s clean.
You should probably fold all this.
Yes. You can fold clothes like this.
It’s easier like this. I can see what I have.
Tidy up your sofa.
Organize those papers into piles.
Coil these loose cables.
Yeah, it’s okay.
Oh, your plant looks droopy.
What? droopy?
Yeah, it needs water or…
Oh, I think maybe it’s dead.
It’s okay.
When was the last time you vacuumed?
clean the floor
with a vacuum cleaner
I .. I don’t know. Really.
Wait, wait! Stay!
I wanna play a song for you.

stuffy 〔室内などが〕息苦しい、息詰まるような、風通しの悪い
ventilation 換気、換気装置
pile 〔本・書類・仕事などの〕山
fold 服をたたむ、折りたたむ
tidy up きれいに片付ける
organize 整頓する
droopy たわんだ、たるんだ、 動詞 droop
