Carokowanz-English – Learn random vocabulary with Mike
Carokowanz-English – Learn random vocabulary with Mike
Oh! You have something here.
Oh, my lipstick is smeared.
Do you have something I can use to wipe it off?
Maybe you can find something in my bag.
A candle?
a controller…
Wny do you have pastry torch?
Ah, that … torch, yeah…
Do you play chess?
Yeah! I’m really good actually.
a skimmer?
Why do you have handcuffs?
Ah, that’s um…
It’s a long story, huh?
Wiat! I have something here, maybe
Oh, wet wipes.
This is exactly what I need! Great! Thank you.
smear 汚す、〔油・ペンキなどを〕塗りつける
wipe off 拭き取る
pastry torch
pastry ペ(ー)ストリー生地(小麦粉、砂糖、牛乳)
torch たいまつ、光明、点火棒
skimmer スキマー、〔液体の表面に浮いたものを〕すくい取る人[器具・装置]、穴あき杓子
handcuff(s) 手錠、ハンドカフ