中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/4/11 T2-2 What do you eat first?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/4/11 T2-2 What do you eat first?

-♪中高生のKiso Eigo ♪ ♪ in English! ♪
♪ Topic 2: What do you eat first? Day 2.
Let’s start by reviewing the dialogue. Riku, what does Ken like to eat first?
Ken likes to eat his favorite things first.
That’s right, yeah. And Ken always leaves something for last. What does he always leave?
Ken leaves veggies.
Yes, that’s right. “Veggies.” That word means “vegetables.”
Okay. What about Mika? What does she eat first?
Mika eats what she doesn’t like first.
Oh, that’s right.
That’s right.
She eats what she doesn’t like first.
You remembered. Good!
All right. Now, let’s listen to this week’s dialogue. Mom, Dad, Mika, and Ken are having dinner. Let’s listen.

Ken says, “May I be excused?” right before he leaves. “May I be excused?” means, “May I leave?” Now, let’s take a look at Ken’s thoughts on the way he eats. We’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first question: Why does Ken ask to be excused?
Why does Ken ask to be excused?
Because he is full.
Very good.
Nice. All right. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.
