中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/10,17(木) T10-D4 Which kind of video do you prefer, educational or entertaining?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/10,17(木) T10-D4 Which kind of video do you prefer, educational or entertaining?
-Chat with the Guest
Q1. Did Jae receive all his education in Singapore?
Q2. What kind of subject did Jae like in his high school?
-Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. Which does Jae prefer, educational videos or entertaining videos?
Q2. In Jae’s opinion, why are children’s educational videos always entertaining?
Q3. What did Jae learn from an animated movie?
-Hannah’s Thoughts
Q1. Which does Hannah prefer, educational videos or entertaining videos?
Q2. When Hannah wants to learn about something, what does she do?
Q3. Why does Hannah like watching entertaining videos?

a place where children go before they start elementary school
do numbers
to solve math problems
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers
a kind of math event; “a-thon” comes from the “athon” in “marathon” and means something like “a long time”
 ~マラソン◆長時間連続して集中的に行う活動を表す語をつくる。通常athon(-a-thonともつづる)、母音の後ろではthon。例えばtalkathon, readathon, telethon
to influence, have an effect on
an act of giving and receiving
to be similar to or look like
= power

look forward to
to be excited about something that is going to happen
a person who tells a story

♪ Topic 10: Which kind of video do you prefer, educational or entertaining? Day 4.
All right, then. Let’s start by having a chat with Jae. Jae, you told us that you were born in Hong Kong, and you moved to Singapore when you were small. Is that right?
That is correct.
Did you receive all your education in Singapore?
Well, I moved to Singapore when I was five years old. So, I spent about two years in a kindergarten in Hong Kong. And after that, it’s →(it was) Singapore education all the way.
Jae, tell me about high school. What kind of subject did you like?
I think my favorite subject was history and math, mathematics. The reason why I like history is because it’s like a storybook with a lot of details to remember, and I like remembering these kinds of details. And learning about the past – what happened in the world – is very interesting to me. For math, I just like doing numbers and calculations. What about you, Riku?
What is your favorite subject?
Yes. I like math.
We can do a math-a-thon together.
Did you do anything wild in high school?
Wow! Um, I was a good student. I think I got into rock music, and I was very affected by a Japanese comic book at that time. There was a really famous one about basketball. And we had a school trip overseas. And guess where we went!
Japan. So, during our school trip, we do(→did) a lot of standard tourism activities. We also had an exchange with a local high school.
That means that some students from a Japanese high school went to Singapore?
Yes. They came to our school later.
I see.
And the most important part for me that kind of resemble(s) the word “wild” is, at the end of the school trip, when everybody goes(→went) back to Singapore, I had a special arrangement from(→through) my father. He has a friend who lives here, and I stayed with him for two more days. And the reason is there is(→was) this Japanese rock band that was having a concert.
And I wanted to watch that concert.
Wow! So, you had a little extra time in Japan.
That is correct. Extra time…
Wild adventure.
