中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/9/6(水) T11-D3 Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/9/6(水) T11-D3 Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?
Q1. In Saki’s opinion, what’s good about dogs?
Q2. What does Saki love about being outdoors?
Q3. For you, what’s the best thing about being outdoors?

-What would you say?
Topic: Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?
→「自分の性格や好みに、 その理由を加える」場合のフレーズをご紹介します。
I’m a cat person. Cats are great because they’re independent.
I’m a dog person. Dogs help people. They understand us.
I’m an indoor person. I like to chill at home.
I’m an outdoor person. I love fresh air and sunshine.
I’m a gadget person. I like having lots of gadgets, like computers,
tablets, and earphones.
I’m a sports-watching person. I like to watch sports, but I don’t
like to play sports.
“I’m a cake person.” “Oh, I’m not a cake person.”
自分が相手と違うタイプの場合は、 not を使って 「私はそうではありません」と伝えることができます。
学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?

-Open-ended Question
「あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Are you an animal person? If yes, what kind of animal person are you?

without problems or difficulties
pleasant, interesting, having merit
being outdoors
staying outdoors
feel like oneself
to feel comfortable, normal, and well
feel like home
to feel at home
Notice that Ken and Saki also explain what they mean.
= Listen to what Ken and Saki say. They explain why they like them.
get it
to understand something
think of
to produce an idea by thinking

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first one: In Saki’s opinion, what’s good about dogs?
In Saki’s opinion, what’s good about dogs?
Dogs help people, and they understand people.
Very nice. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.

-from the Dialogue

So, the answer is: Dogs help people.
Dogs help people.
If you said, “Dogs understand people,” you did a good job, too. And if you said both, like Riku, you did a great job.
Mmm, yes. All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the whole answer like this: In Saki’s opinion, dogs help people, and they understand people. Great job!
Now, let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

-from the Dialogue

So, here’s the question: What does Saki love about being outdoors?
What does Saki love about being outdoors?
She loves fresh air and sunshine.
Very nice. So, the answer is: She loves fresh air and sunshine. She loves fresh air and sunshine.
All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer. She loves fresh airr and sunshine.
Great job. So, Saki is an outdoor person. Not everyone is an outdoor person. But even if you’re an indoor person, you probably spend some time outdoors. For example, when you go to school.
Right. So, here’s the next question: For you, what’s the´ best thing about being outdoors?
For you, what’s the´ best thing about being outdoors? You can start your answer with “The best thing about being outdoors is.”
The best thing about being outdoor(s) is walking near the river.
Oh, that’s nice.
Do you walk near the river when you go to school?
How nice!
Oh, a nice walk.
How about you, Hannah?
In my opinion, the best thing about being outdoors is that I feel most like myself. I grew up around nature, so it feels like home.
Hmm. Wow. That’s very nice.

-What would you say?
Today, let’s continue to talk about the expression: I’m a “something” person.
You can use this expression to give a quick idea of the kinds of things you like.
Yes. Notice that Ken and Saki also explain what they mean.
Right. For example, Ken says, “Cats are great because they’re independent. I’m a cat person,” to explain why he likes cats.
